Beautiful Blessing Images Pricing

Blessing Images Photography
Wendy Powers
(316) 755-5634

| Bridal | Prom | Intimates |

1 Hour Session
$50.00 @ BI Location
$100.00 @ Your Location of choice

Includes Picture Package:
4 Mix N Match Sheets & max of 4 poses

Additional Sheets $7.99 each

Mary Kay Makeup by Wendy Powers
Session before shoot $20.00

All Images will be online for 30 days for online viewing and ordering,
if Client chooses to sign release form then ALL images can be ordered by family/friends
not just those they are captured in


My dad told me to find some shoes I liked and he would buy them so I found a pair that I thought looked cool and he bought them. I found out pretty quick when I got to school that they were fake Jordan's. it was the Catipults from Kmart


You still wore them, so ultimately does it really matter if they're “fake” or not? fck stock x still but why do you “hate” fakes yet wore a pair without knowing for so long? Lol so the real dumb people are the ones that are paying thousands for shoes they can get for 200 that look exactly the same